

Hello everyone!
I have about 65 plants that we've gone over in the course. I've gone over 8 here. You can see why I was a bit disappointed in falling behind.
You can also see why I named this 'pre-flood'. I intend to shove out as many plants as possible in the next week. I will put up as many pictures for ID purposes as possible but I will NOT be editing any, or adding any of my own embellishments. We get enough of that with the Plant ID weekly sheets (and due to how we were rained out yesterday, we get to put about 30 into one assignment in two weeks. Lovely.)

So, I will do my best to make sense. I also have a lot of other homework and studies to get to, but I'm doing my best to keep this at the top of my priority list. I intend to shove out about 13-15 trees a day to get caught up.

In the future, however, there will be 'shrubs and small trees', which include things such as crepe myrtles and hydrangea. So, things should become a lot more colorful and interesting. =)

Happy planting!

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