
Trying to do my work..

I find it to be immensely difficult to update at home and I'm thinking of redoing my schedule so that my updates here will be weekly on Tuesdays (or Weds) when the photos I've taken, and the information I've gathered from my classes, are fresh. The upside to updating now is that I haven't really wasted a lot of time between the class and sitting idle (I haven't gone to work yet, for instance, so I've been pretty immersed in the field, still). I do need to go over names (Salix babylonica and Ginko Biloba are both super easy; Acer blahblahblahs are maples.. Quercus blahblahblah are oaks.. That's about as far as I've gotten, and we have a quiz on 15 plants come Tuesday afternoon. You see my problem, I'm sure).

And my husband comes up to me, shows me a leaf and asks me what it is.
Uh, a leaf? Really?

White hibiscus leaf; Mel McIntyre 8/31/12

Would you (plant people aside) know what the heck this is upon first glance? He told me it flowers. I asked if it was hedge-like. I have a hedge-like thing, otherwise known as a camellia which flowers a nice red color. He said no, it flowers white, but the flower out there hadn't opened yet.
It has a red middle. I'd need to look at it while it's blooming to really find the species and get the scientific name of it, but I do really like it. I had no idea I had one.

So, then we notice that my tree farm (I use the term 'farm' very, very loosely) is overrun with things I didn't want. Some sort of weed is in there and actually choking out my spearmint.
I had no idea such a plant existed around here other than kudzu.
So, I spent an hour weeding that mess.

You can see why I may need to update from campus from now on.

I've been in this dept. 2 weeks and people already want to know what things are. I don't know yet! Augh! Haha. I can use the internet to find out (just like my husband failed to consider :P )

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